Minister Oscar Dickerson's Christian Experiences
The sort of ministry and work experiences in which I have been involved in since I received The Call, and entered into the Holy Gospel Ministry of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and soon coming King of kings, and Lord of lords, since 1972, up to Jan. 1982; are as follows: (a) Student of the Ministry, Licentiate, Assistant Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Acting Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church; (b) Assistant Pastor, Scheffiline Presbyterian Church; (c) Assistant Pastor, Crozellville Presbyterian Church; (d) Pastor, and Missionary-Evangelist, Gardnersville Presbyterian Church; (e) Chaplain, Executive Mansion Guard Battalion; (f) Chaplain, Barclay Training Center, for the soldiers, their families, relatives, and friends. All the above were done in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. And at all these different Churches, I also planned, organized, and directed the implementation of various programs for children and youth from kindergarten through high school.
When I entered the United States in 1978, I worked as the Director of Religious Education at the Good Samaritan Youth Center, and also ministered at the Gospel Inn Chapel as the Assistant Pastor. And in 1979, I was employed by the Cleveland Public School to work as a bus monitor and then as a bus attendant; caring for the handicapped children. At the School Bus Depot I stated a Gospel Outreach Ministry which used to involve the writing of Christian “Though For Today”; and is now changed to the distribution of Christian literature and Gospel tracts among the Administrative Staff, School Bus Drivers, Bus Attendants, and mechanics which is no extended to the general public. Through the endless goodness, and love of the Lord, during the seven years of my stay in Cleveland, up to this date, I have been blessed through the divine privilege, and glorious opportunity of sharing and administering my gift of expository preaching of the Word of God, in spirit and in truth, by utterance of the Blessed Holy Spirit, in and out of season, among these Churches listed below: just to name a few I can readily record.
1. Second Presbyterian Church, Miles Avenue; Cleveland, OH
2. New temple Church of The Living God, Miles Avenue; Cleveland, OH
3. True Light Baptist Church, 55th Street; Cleveland, OH
4. Hatche’s Chapel, AME Church; Cleveland, OH
5. St. Mark Presbyterian, East Boulevard
6. Faith Cumberland Presbyterian, 1444 Euclid Avenue
7. Marantha Church, Lee Road; Cleveland, OH
8. Gleenville Presbyterian, 105th Street; Cleveland, OH
9. Philemon Baptist Church, Shaw Avenue; Cleveland, OH
10. Morning Star Baptist, St. Clair; Cleveland, OH
11. Bright Star Baptist, Shaw Avenue; Cleveland, OH
12. Garden of Prayer Church of God in Christ; Cleveland, OH
13. Bosworth Road Presbyterian, 3631 Bosworth Road
14. First Presbyterian Church, East Cleveland, OH
In addition to the above, I also preach at street corners and other places where I believe God leads me; and Acts 20:20-21 under the blood-stained banner of Christ of J.F.M.C.F.M.M.
Let everything THAT HATH BREATH PRAISE THE LORD. Psalm 150:1-6. To God Be All The Worshipful, Praise, Glory and Honor!!! H.P.T.L.A.A. and A!!! BROTHER’S KEERP? YES! THAT’S WHO I AM… TO LOVE, know, teach and give WISDOM and INSTRUCTION TO A WISE person WHO HEARS & WILL INCREASE IN LEARNING & WILL become YET WISER. THE LOVE, FEAR (reverence) OF THE LORD, IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM. BUT FOOLS DESPISE GODLY WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING for MAN’S WAYS (Proverbs 14:12). IF YOU are WISE, AS I trust you are, read 1 Kings 4:34 and Luke 11:31-33, Proverbs, 1 Cor. 2:13-16; 4:6, Deut. 8:3, Matt. 4:1-20. Nehemiah 9:12-14 & Eccl. 12:13-14. Don’t forget Dan. 7:25; 12:10, Hosea 4:6 DAN. 7:25, Revelation 13, 14, 18-22. And What SHALL I MORE SAY? FOR TIME WOULD fail me TO TELL you of more DEEP BIBLE TRUTHS we all need to know. In conclusion, FAIL NOT to read 2 TIM. 2: 11-19. ISA. 8:16,20; 34:16a. Deut. 6:24-25, Psalm 1, 19, 119, 150. I COR. 16:22-24. Learn in us not to think of men ABOVE that which is WRITTEN FOR US TO LIVE BY THEM and OBEY FOR OUR GOOD ALWAYS. IT SHALL BE TO OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. ISA.34:16a. I COR.4:6. Leviticus 18:5. Deut. 6:24-25. I SAM.15:22-23. Acts 4:19; 5:29-32. Ps.41;13. “Behold, I come quickly. Blessed are they that do His Commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life & may enter in through the gates into the city. My reward is with Me. Rev. 22.